neu REFIX が mdx マウスのジストロフィンと筋再生を促進
Nature Scientific Reports 誌に掲載 2025年3月1日 「ニューリフィックス® neu REFIX®」に関する研究論文が、ネイチャー誌のサイエンティフィック リポーツ (Nature Scien
nichi Glucan®
nichi BRITE®
neu REFIX®
2025-03:(AFO-202, N-163) Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health.2025;14.
Pushkala S, Seshayyan S, Theranirajan E, Sudhakar D, Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Ikewaki N, Iwasaki M, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
Efficient control of IL-6, CRP and ferritin in COVID-19 patients with two variants of beta-1,3-1,6 glucans in combination: An open-label, prospective, randomised clinical trial.
2種類のβ-1,3-1,6グルカンの併用によるCOVID-19患者のIL-6、CRP、フェリチンの効率的コントロール: 非盲検前向き無作為化臨床試験
2025-02:(AFO-202, N-163) Front Immunol.2025;16:1538147.
Ikewaki N, Ichiyama K, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
Significance of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and gut microbiome of astronauts during space missions and suggestions for beneficial modulations using novel beta-glucans.
2025-01:(N-163) Nature Scientific Report.2025;15:7232.
Preethy S, Sakamoto S, Higuchi T, Ichiyama K, Yamamoto N, Ikewaki N, Iwasaki M, Dedeepiya VD, Srinivasan S, Raghavan K, Rajmohan M, Senthilkumar R, Abraham SJK.
Enhanced expression of dystrophin, IGF-1, CD44 and MYH3 in plasma and skeletal muscles including diaphragm of mdx mice after oral administration of Neu REFIX beta 1,3-1,6 glucan.
2024-01:(AFO-202, N-163) Front Public Health.2024;12:1495056.
Ikewaki N, Ichiyama K, Rajappa S, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) as a Critical Indicator of the ME-BYO Index and the Potential Role of Beta Glucans as a Modulator for Reversing ME-BYO Transitions to Disease States – Commentary on Nakamura, S., et al. (2023).
2023-08:(N-163) Acta Myologica 2023. 2023 Dec 20
Raghavan K, Sivakumar T, Ichiyama K, Yamamoto N, Balamurugan M, Dedeepiya VD, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham S
Efficacy of N-163 beta-glucan in beneficially improving biomarkers of relevance to muscle function in patients with muscular dystrophies in a pilot clinical study
doi: 10.36185/2532-1900-312
2023-07:(N-163) Nature Scientific Reports 13, 17008 (2023)
Preethy S, Aoki Y, Minegishi K, Iwasaki M, Senthilkumar R, Abraham S
Resolution of fibrosis in mdx dystrophic mouse after oral consumption of N-163 strain of Aureobasidium pullulans produced β-glucan
doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-44330-0
2023-06:(N-163) J Smooth Muscle Res. 2023; 59: 67-80
Preethy S, Yamamoto N, Osaza S, Raghavan R, Dedeepiya V, Iwasaki M, Abraham S
Re-examining the therapeutic management of muscular dystrophies from a vascular smooth muscle-centred approach.
doi: 10.1540/jsmr.59.67.
2023-05:(N-163) IBRO Neuroscience reports 2023; 15: 90-99
Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Srinivasan S, Pushkala S, Bharatidasan SS, Ikewaki N, Iwasaki M, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham SJK
Beneficial immune-modulatory effects of the N-163 strain of Aureobasidium pullulans-produced 1,3-1,6 Beta glucans in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Results of an open-label, prospective, exploratory case-control clinical study.
doi: 10.1016/j.ibneur.2023.06.007.
2023-04: (AFO-202, N-163) Aging Res Lifestyle
Ikewaki N, Sonoda T, Kurosawa G, Iwasaki M, Dedeepiya VD, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham S.
Beta 1,3-1,6 glucans produced by two novel strains of Aureobasidium pullulans exert immune and metabolic beneficial effects in healthy middle-aged Japanese men: Results of an exploratory randomized control study
日本人の健康な中年男性において、アウレオバシジウム・プルランスの2つの新規菌株が産生するβ1,3-1,6グルカンが免疫および代謝に有益な効果を発揮する: 探索的ランダム化比較試験の結果
doi: 10.14283/jarlife.2023.11
2023-03: (AFO-202,N-163) GEORGIAN MEDICAL NEWS No 3 (336) 2023
S Preethy , N Yamamoto , N Liem , S Bharatidasan , M Iwasaki , S Abraham.
Role of gut microbiome homeostasis, integrity of the intestinal epithelial cells, and the (endogenous) butyrate in enduring a healthy long life
doi: 10.1159/000527728
2023-02: (AFO-202) JAMA Pediatr Published online April 03, 2023
Zeyan Liew, Qi Meng, Qi Yan, et al.
Gut microbiome evaluation in children with autism spectrum disorder after increased maternal lithium consumption, may throw further insight. Comment to: Liew Z, Meng Q, Yan Q, et al. Association Between Estimated Geocoded Residential Maternal Exposure to Lithium in Drinking Water and Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Offspring in Denmark.
doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2023.0346
2023-01: (AFO-202) Vaccine 2023
Ikewaki N, Kurosawa G, Levy GA, Preethy S, Abraham S.
Antibody dependent disease enhancement (ADE) after COVID-19 vaccination and Beta Glucans as a safer strategy in management
doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.03.005.
2022-10:(AFO-202)Med Princ Pract
Preethy S, Raghavan K, Ikewaki N, Abraham SJ.
Qualitative Evaluation of α-Synuclein – A Critical Step in Unraveling the Complexities of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
α-シヌクレインの定性的評価 – 複雑な自閉症スペクトラムの解明への重要なステップ
2022-09:(AFO-202, N-163)BMJ Open Gastroenterology
Preethy S, Ikewaki N, Levy GA, Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Yamamoto N, Srinivasan S, Ranganathan N, Iwasaki M, Senthilkumar R, Abraham SJK.
Two unique biological response-modifier glucans beneficially regulating gut microbiota and faecal metabolome in a non-alcoholic steatohepatitis animal model, with potential for applications in human health and disease.
2022-08:(AFO-202, N-163)Frontiers in Immunology
Preethy S, Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Suryaprakash V, Ikewaki N, Ikeue Y, Nagataki M, Iwasaki M, Senthilkumar R, Abraham S.
Beneficial immune regulation by biological response modifier glucans in COVID-19 and their envisaged potentials in the management of sepsis.
2022-07:(AFO-202)Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
Preethy S, Ranganathan N, Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Ikewaki N, Abraham S.
Integrating the Synergy of the Gut Microbiome into Regenerative Medicine: Relevance to Neurological Disorders
2022-06:(AFO-202)Journal of Food Biochemistry
Ikewaki, N., Kurosawa, G., Kisaka, T. and Abraham, S.J.K. (2022),
Controlled modulation of all the arms of the immunity including innate immunity by biological response modifier glucans, a simple yet potential nutritional supplement strategy to fight COVID-19.
2022-05:(AFO-202)Journal of Alzheimer’s disease
Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Yamamoto N, Ikewaki N, Sonoda T, Kurosawa G, Iwasaki M,Kandaswamy R, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
Benefits of Gut Microbiota Reconstitution by Beta 1,3-1,6 Glucans in Subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases
2022-04: (AFO-202, N-163) Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders
Ikewaki N, Onaka T, Ikeue Y, Nagataki M, Kurosawa G, Dedeepiya VD, Rajmohan M, Vaddi S, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
Beneficial effects of 1,3–1,6 β-glucans produced by Aureobasidium pullulans on non-esterified fatty acid levels in diabetic KKAy mice and their potential implications in metabolic dysregulation
黒酵母が生産する 1,3-1,6 βグルカンの糖尿病性 KKAy マウスの非エステル化脂肪酸レベルに対する有益な効果と代謝異常への潜在的な影響について
2022-03: (AFO-202, N-163) Brain and Behavior
Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Kandaswamy R, Balamurugan M, Ikewaki N, Sonoda T, Kurosawa K, Iwasaki M, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
Improvement of sleep and melatonin in children with autism spectrum disorder after β-1,3/1,6-glucan consumption: An open-label prospective pilot clinical study
2022-02: (AFO-202, N-163)Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology
Nobunao Ikewaki, Gary A. Levy, Gene Kurosawa, Masaru Iwasaki, Vidyasagar D. Dedeepiya, Suryaprakash Vaddi
Rajappa Senthilkumar, Senthilkumar Preethy, Samuel J.K. Abraham
Hepatoprotective Effects of Aureobasidium pullulans Derived β 1,3–1,6 Glucans in a Murine Model of Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis
非アルコール性脂肪肝炎のSTAM動物モデルにおける黒酵母由来のβ1,3-1,6 biological response modifier glucansの肝保護作用に関する研究
2022-01: (AFO-202) BMJ Neurology Open
Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Ikewaki N, Sonoda T, Iwasaki M, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
Improvement of behavioural pattern and alpha-synuclein levels in autism spectrum disorder after consumption of a beta-glucan food supplement in a randomized, parallel-group pilot clinical study.
2021-05: (AFO-202, N-163) Clinical Immunology Communications
Ikewaki N, Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Suryaprakash V, Iwasaki M, Preethy S, senthilkumar R, Abraham SJK.
Beneficial immune-regulatory effects of novel strains of Aureobasidium pullulans AFO-202 and N-163 produced beta glucans in Sprague Dawley rats
黒酵母菌株AFO-202およびN-163が産生するβグルカンのSprague Dawleyラットにおける有益な免疫制御作用
2021-04: (AFO-202) Oncology Reports
Ikewaki N, Dedeepiya VD, Raghavan K, Rao K, Vaddi S, Osawa H, Kisaka T, Kurosawa G, Srinivasan S, Ganesakumar SRB, Senthilkumar R, Iwasaki M, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
β‑glucan vaccine adjuvant approach for cancer treatment through immune enhancement (B‑VACCIEN) in specific immunocompromised populations (Review)
2021-03: (AFO-202, N-163) Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Suryaprakash V, Rao KS, Ikewaki N, Sonoda T, Levy GA, Iwasaki M, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
Beneficial Effects of novel Aureobasidium Pullulans strains produced Beta-1,3-1,6 Glucans on Interleukin-6 and D-Dimer levels in COVID-19 patients; results of a randomized multiple-arm pilot clinical study
2021-02: (AFO-202) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics
Ikewaki N, Iwasaki M, Kurosawa G, Rao KS, Beitia JL, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
β-Glucans: Wide-spectrum Immune-balancing Food-supplement-based Enteric (β-WIFE) Vaccine Adjuvant Approach to COVID-19
2021-01: (AFO-202) Frontiers in Immunology
Ikewaki N, Dedeepiya VD, Iwasaki M, Abraham SJK.
Commentary: Beyond “TRIM” benefits of β-glucan by blood glucose and lipid balancing potentials in its defense Against COVID-19
2020-03: (AFO-202) Frontiers in Immunology
Rao K-S, Suryaprakash V, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Katoh S, Ikewaki N, Abraham SJK.
Role of Immune Dysregulation in Increased Mortality Among a Specific Subset of COVID-19 Patients and Immune-Enhancement Strategies for Combatting Through Nutritional Supplements
2020-02: (AFO-202) Thrombosis Journal
Ikewaki N, Rao KS, Archibold AD, Iwasaki M, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Katoh S, Abraham SJK.
Coagulopathy associated with COVID-19 – Perspectives & Preventive strategies using a Biological Response Modifier Glucan.
2020-01: (AFO-202) Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders volume
Ikewaki N, Iwasaki M, Abraham SJK.
Biological response modifier glucan through balancing of blood glucose may have a prophylactic potential in COVID-19 patients.
2014-01: (AFO-202) Journal of Dietary Supplement
Ikewaki N, Iwasaki M, Abraham SJK.
Beneficial effects of Black yeast derived 1-3, 1-6 beta glucan- Nichi Glucan in a dyslipidemic individual of Indian origin A case report. J Diet Suppl.
インド人脂質異常症患者における黒酵母由来1-3, 1-6βグルカン-ニチグルカンの有用性ー症例報告
2012-01: (AFO-202) Case Reports in Medicine
Dedeepiya V, Sivaraman G,Venkatesh A, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
Potential Effects of Nichi Glucan as a Food Supplement for Diabetes Mellitus and Hyperlipidemia; Preliminary Findings from the Study on Three Patients from India.
糖尿病および高脂血症に対するNichi Glucanの食品としての可能性
5) (N-163)
Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Yamamoto N, Ikewaki N, Iwasaki M, Dinassing A, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
Randomised trial of Aureobasidium pullulans-produced beta 1,3-1,6-glucans in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Favourable changes in gut microbiota and clinical outcomes indicating their potential in epigenetic manipulation.
デュシェンヌ型筋ジストロフィー患者を対象としたAureobasidium pullulans産β1,3-1,6-glucansの無作為化試験:腸内細菌叢の好ましい変化とエピジェネティックな操作の可能性を示す臨床結果
4) (N-163)
Preethy S, Aoki Y, Minegishi K, Senthilkumar R, Abraham S.
Resolution of fibrosis in mdx dystrophic mouse after oral consumption of N-163 strain of Aureobasidium pullulans produced biological response modifier β-glucan (BRMG).
Aureobasidium pullulansのN-163株の生物学的応答修飾物質βグルカン(BRMG)経口摂取によるmdxジストロフィーマウスの線維化解消の検討
3) (AFO-202, N-163)
Pushkala S, Seshayyan S, Theranirajan E, Sudhakar D, Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Ikewaki N,Iwasaki M, Preethy S, Abraham S.
Efficient control of IL-6, CRP and Ferritin in Covid-19 patients with two variants of Beta-1,3-1,6 glucans in combination, within 15 days in an open-label prospective clinical trial.
2) (N-163)
Raghavan K, Dedeepiya VD, Srinivasan S, Pushkala S, Subramanian S, Ikewaki N, Iwasaki M, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham S.
Disease-modifying immune-modulatory effects of the N-163 strain of Aureobasidium pullulans-produced 1,3-1,6 Beta glucans in young boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Results of an open-label, prospective, randomized, comparative clinical study
Duchenne型筋ジストロフィーの少年におけるAureobasidium pullulans産の1,3-1,6βグルカンN-163株の疾患修飾免疫調節効果。非盲検前向き無作為化比較臨床試験結果
1)(AFO-202, N-163)
Ikewaki N, Sonoda T, Kurosawa G, Iwasaki M, Dedeepiya VD, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.
Immune and metabolic beneficial effects of Beta 1,3-1,6 glucans produced by two novel strains of Aureobasidium pullulans in healthy middle-aged Japanese men: An exploratory study
健康な日本人中年男性における黒酵母の2つの新規菌株が産生するβ1,3-1,6グルカンの免疫および代謝への有益性 探索的研究
Nature Scientific Reports 誌に掲載 2025年3月1日 「ニューリフィックス® neu REFIX®」に関する研究論文が、ネイチャー誌のサイエンティフィック リポーツ (Nature Scien
スリラマチャンドラ・インスティテュートのチームが優勝 2024年12月2日 2024年10月に再生医療分野の研究者の交流を促進する目的で開催された学術集会 NCRM NICHE 2024 の中で、第19回フジオカップクイ
16年にわたる研究成果が世界的に認められる 2024年11月30日 英国で開催されたGURS(Genito-Urinary Reconstructive Surgeons)マスタークラス2024において、防衛医科大学校病
近森病院のグループによる研究を横浜開催の国際学会で 2024年8月17日 「ニチブライト」βグルカンの投与により、すい臓の悪性腫瘍の外科的切除を受けた患者の免疫力が向上し、すい臓がんおよびその再発のバイオマーカーが低下し