スリラマチャンドラ・インスティテュートのチームが優勝2024年12月2日2024年10月に再生医療分野の研究者の交流を促進する目的で開催された学術集会 NCRM NICHE 2024 の中で、第19回フジオカップクイズ杯
2022-04:Senthilkumar R, Yoshioka H, Katoh S, Iwasaki M, VSurya Prakash V, Balamurugan M, Dedeepiya VD, Preethy S, Abraham. Engraftment and proliferation of thermoreversible-gelation-polymer-encapsulated human corneal limbal-stem-cells on ocular surface of a cadaver cornea. Current Eye Research. doi:10.1080/02713683.2023.2180039.
2022-03:Katoh S, Yoshioka H, Suzuki S, Nakajima H, Iwasaki M, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.An efficient polymer cocktail-based transportation method for cartilage tissue, yielding chondrocytes with enhanced hyaline cartilage expression during in vitro culturing. Journal of Orthopaedics 2022; 29(2022):60-64. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jor.2022.01.007
2022-02: Horiguchi A, Shinchi M, Ojima K, Hirano Y, Kushibiki T, Mayumi Y, Miyai K, Miura I, Iwasaki M, Suryaprakash V, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Katoh S, Abraham SJK. Engraftment of Transplanted Buccal Epithelial Cells onto the Urethrotomy Site, Proven Immunohistochemically in Rabbit Model; a Feat to Prevent Urethral Stricture Recurrence. Stem Cell Rev Rep. 2022 Oct 28. doi: 10.1007/s12015-022-10466-1.
2022-01: Abraham SJK. Editorial Comment on “Hirano Y., et al., Myofibroblast-dominant proliferation associated with severe fibrosis in bulbar urethral strictures. International Journal of Urology 2022″. Int J Urol. 2022 Oct 28. doi: 10.1111/iju.15071.
2021-11: Abraham SJK. Editorial Comment to Ability of photocurable gelatin to prevent stricture recurrence after urethral dilation in rabbits. Int J Urol. 2021 Nov 9. https://doi.org/10.1111/iju.14742.
2021-10: Gautaman M, Michael SA, Sylvia J, Adaikalam VF, Dedeepiya VD, Sivasubramaniam M, Vetrieve C, Jayala JA, Senthilkumar R,Preethy S, Abraham SJK. Analysis of Perception of Government Run Public Healthcare Set-Ups in a Southern State of India – A Cross – Sectional Questionnaire-Based analysis. A Epidemiol Public Health. 2021; 4(1): 1059. Annals of Epidemiology & Public Health.
2021-09:Horiguchi A, Ojima K, Shinchi M, Kushibiki T, Mayumi Y, Kushibiki T, Katoh S, Takeda M, Iwasaki M, Yoshioka H, Suryaprakash V, Balamurugan M, Senthilkumar R, Abraham SJK.In Vitro Culture Expansion and Characterization of Buccal Mucosal Epithelial Cells for Tissue Engineering Applications in Urethral Stricture After Transportation Using a Thermoreversible Gelation Biopreservation and Biobanking 2021. https://doi.org/10.1089/bio.2021.0079
2021-08:Katoh S, Fujimaru A, Iwasaki M, Yoshioka H, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.Reversal of senescence-associated beta-galactosidase expression during in vitro three-dimensional tissue-engineering of human chondrocytes in a polymer scaffold.Scientific Reports 2021. Sci Rep 11, 14059 (2021) doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-93607-9 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-93607-9
2021-07:Horiguchi A, Ojima K, Shinchi M, Kushibiki T, Mayumi Y, Miyai K, Katoh S, Takeda M, Iwasaki M, Suryaprakash V, Balamurugan M, Rajmohan M, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.Successful engraftment of epithelial cells derived from autologous rabbit buccal mucosal tissue, encapsulated in a polymer scaffold in a rabbit model of a urethral stricture, transplanted using the transurethral approach. Regen. Ther. 2021; 18:127-132. doi: 10.1016/j.reth.2021.05.004. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34189194/
2021-06:Katoh S, Yoshioka H, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham S.Enhanced miRNA-140 expression of osteoarthritis-affected human chondrocytes cultured in a polymer based three-dimensional (3D) matrix. Life Sciences 2021. 119553. doi:10.1016/j.lfs.2021.119553. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33932445/
2021-05:Katoh S, Rao KS, Suryaprakash V, Horiguchi A, Kushibiki T, Ojima K, Iwasaki M, Takeda M, Senthilkumar R, Rajmohan M, Karthick R, Preethy S, Abraham S.A 3D polymer scaffold platform for enhanced in vitro culture of Human & Rabbit buccal epithelial cells for cell therapies. Tokai J Exp Clin Med 2021; 46(1):1-6 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33835468/
2021-04:Namitha B, Chitra MR, Bhavya M, Katoh S, Yoshioka H, Iwasaki M, Senthilkumar R, Rajmohan M, Karthick R, Preethy S, Abraham SJK.A novel human donor cornea preservation cocktail incorporating a thermo-reversible gelation polymer (TGP), enhancing the corneal endothelial cell density maintenance and explant culture of corneal limbal cells. Biotechnology Letters 2021. doi:10.1007/s10529-021-03116-y https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10529-021-03116-y
2021-03:Katoh S, Yoshioka H, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham S. Katoh S, Yoshioka H, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham S.Enhanced expression of hyaluronic acid in osteoarthritis-affected knee-cartilage chondrocytes during three-dimensional in vitro culture in a hyaluronic-acid-retaining polymer scaffold. The Knee 2020; 29 : 365-73. doi:10.1016/j.knee.2021.02.019. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33690017/
2021-02:Katoh S, Yoshioka H, Iwasaki M, Senthilkumar R, Rajmohan M, Karthick R, Preethy S, Abraham SJ.A three-dimensional in vitro culture environment of a novel polymer scaffold, yielding chondroprogenitors and mesenchymal stem cells in human chondrocytes derived from osteoarthritis-affected cartilage tissue. Journal of Orthopaedics 2021; 23 (2021):138-141. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2021.01.005. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0972978X21000052
2021-01:Katoh S, Fujimaru A, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham SJ.Articular chondrocytes from osteoarthritic knee joints of elderly, in vitro expanded in thermo-reversible gelation polymer (TGP), exhibiting higher UEA-1 expression in lectin microarray. Regen Ther. 2020;14:234-237. Published 2020 May 15. doi:10.1016/j.reth.2020.03.006. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352320420300274
2020-03: Diaz T, Trachtenberg BH, Abraham SJK, KosagiSharaf R,Durant-Archibold AA. Aspirin Bioactivity for Prevention of Cardiovascular Injury in COVID-19. Front. Cardiovasc. Med. 7:562708.doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2020.562708.
2020-02: Katoh S, Dedeepiya VD, Kuroda S, Iwasaki M, Senthilkumar R, Preethy S, Abraham S. Potential of combination of bone marrow nucleated and mesenchymal stem cells in complete spinal cord injury. Curr Stem Cell Res Ther. 2020 Oct 29.doi: 10.2174/1574888X15666201029160542.
2020-01: Katoh S, Obayashi T, Ganesh JS, Iwasaki M, Preethy S, Abraham S. Cross-Protection Induced By Encephalitis Vaccines against COVID-19 Might be a Reason for Relatively Lower Mortality Rate in Some Countries. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2020; 8(1): e5 | PubMed (NCRM Ref. No. 2021005430)
2018-02:Vaddi SP, Reddy VB, Abraham S.Buccal epithelium Expanded and Encapsulated in Scaffold‐Hybrid Approach to Urethral Stricture (BEES‐HAUS) procedure: A novel cell therapy‐based pilot study. Int J Urol. 2018 Nov 22. doi: 10.1111/iju.13852 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/iju.13852
2018-01:Parikumar P, Haraguchi K, Senthilkumar R, Abraham SJ.Human corneal endothelial cell transplantation using nanocomposite gel sheet in bullous keratopathy. Am J Stem Cells. 2018 Feb 1;7(1):18-24| https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29531856/
2017-03:Chidambaram R, Terunuma H, Balamurugan M, Dedeepiya V, Sumana P, Senthilkumar R, Rajmohan M, Karthick R, Preethy S, Abraham S.Cell based immunotherapy in a stage IIIA inflammatory breast cancer with declining innate immunity following successive chemotherapies; A case report. Molecular and Clinical Oncology. https://doi.org/10.3892/mco.2017.1333
2017-02:Preethy S, Dedeepiya V, Senthilkumar R, Rajmohan M, Karthick R, Terunuma H, Abraham S.Natural killer cells as a promising tool to tackle cancer—A review of sources, methodologies, and potentials. International Reviews of Immunology 2017. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08830185.2017.1284209
2017-01:Arumugam S, Bhupesh Karthik B, Rajeswar C, Mori Y, Yoshioka H, Senthilkumar R, Rajmohan M, Karthick R, Preethy S, Abraham S.Transplantation of autologous chondrocytes ex-vivo expanded using Thermoreversible Gelation Polymer in a rabbit model of articular cartilage defect. Journal of Orthopedics 2017: 14(2);223–25. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2017.01.003 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28203047/
2016-01: Abraham SJ, Yoshioka H. Insights into in vitro environments for human cartilage tissue engineering. Indian J Med Res 2016;144:796-8. doi: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_1237_16 | PubMed
2015-03: Baskar S, Dedeepiya V D, Terunuma H, Manjunath S R, Senthilkumar R, Sivaraman G, Pandian A, Abraham S. Prolonged survival of a patient with inoperable, locally advanced adenocarcinoma of pancreas after autologous immune enhancement therapy with chemotherapy. Indian J Cancer 2015;52:395-6. doi: 10.4103/0019-509X.176721 | PubMed
2015-02: Rajalakshmy AR, Malathi J, Madhavan HN, Samuel J. Mebiolgel, a thermoreversible polymer as a scaffold for three dimensional culture of Huh7 cell line with improved hepatocyte differentiation marker expression and HCV replication. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2015 Oct-Dec;33(4):554-9. doi: 10.4103/0255-0857.167330 | PubMed
2015-01: Levy GA, Reena HC, Dedeepiya VD, William JB, Rajmohan M, Karthick R, Preethy S, Abraham SJ. A comparative analysis of the participation and knowledge gained by clinicians and researchers in a web based learning program on regenerative medicine. J Contemp Med Edu. Online First: 14 Oct, 2015. doi:10.5455/jcme.20150713024140
2014-08: Osawa H, Orii K, Terunuma H, Abraham SJ. Combining autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells with fibroblast growth factor therapy along with stringent infection control leading to successful limb salvage in diabetic patient with chronic renal failure and severe toe gangrene. Int J Stem Cells. 2014 Nov;7(2):158-61. doi: 10.15283/ijsc.2014.7.2.158 | PubMed
2014-07: Bhamare S, Prabhakar P,Dharmadhikari A, Dedeepiya V, Terunuma H, Senthilkumar R, Srinivasan T, Reena HC, Preethy S, Abraham S. Autologous Immune Enhancement Therapy (AIET) in a case of Gall bladder cancer stage IV after surgical resection and chemotherapy yielding a stable non-progressive disease. J Cancer Res Ther. 2014 Jul-Sep;10(3):752-4. doi: 10.4103/0973-1482.136048. | PubMed
2014-06: Dedeepiya VD, William JB, Parthiban JKBC, Yoshioka H, Mori Y, Kuroda S, Iwasaki M, Preethy S, Abraham SJK. Scaffolds for Cell Transplantation in Neurology: The Suitability of a Thermoreversible Gelation Polymer—Our Perspectives. Journal of Spinal Surgery 2014;1(1). doi: JOSS/pdf/10.5005/jp-journals-10039-1003
2014-05: Dedeepiya V, William JB, Parthiban JKBC, Ranaganathan C, Balamurugan M, Kuroda S, Iwasaki M, Preethy S, Abraham S. The known-unknowns in spinal cord injury, with emphasis on cell based therapies – A review with suggestive arenas for research. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2014 May;14(5):617-34. doi: 10.1517/14712598.2014.889676.| PubMed
2014-04: Revathi Raj, Deenadayalan M, Vimal Kumar G, Khandelwal V, Karuna Sri, Senthilkumar R, Abraham S, Hiroshi T. Autologous Immune Enhancement Therapy in Philadelphia Chromosome Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. 2014;30(Suppl 1):202-4. doi: 10.1007/s12288-013-0327-3 | PubMed
2014-03: Ganesh JS, Rao YY, Ravikumar R, Jayakrishnan AG, Iwasaki M, Preethy S, Abraham S. Beneficial effects of Black yeast derived 1-3, 1-6 beta glucan- Nichi Glucan in a dyslipidemic individual of Indian origin – A case report. J Diet Suppl. 2014;11(1):1-6. doi:10.3109/19390211.2013.859211. | PubMed
2014-02: Parikumar P, Haraguchi K, Ohbayashi A, Senthilkumar R, Abraham S. Successful transplantation of in vitro expanded human cadaver corneal endothelial precursor cells on to a cadaver Bovine’s eye using a Nanocomposite gel sheet. Curr Eye Res. 2014;39(5):522-6. doi:10.3109/02713683.2013.838633. | PubMed
2014-01: Rao S, Sudhakar J, Parikumar P, Natarajan S, Insaan A, Yoshioka H, Mori Y, Tsukahara S, Baskar S, Manjunath S, Senthilkumar R, Thamaraikannan P, Srinivasan T, Preethy S, Abraham S. Successful Transportation of Human Corneal Endothelial Tissues without Cool preservation in varying Indian Tropical climatic Conditions and in vitro Cell Expansion using a novel Polymer.Indian J Ophthalmol. 2014;62(2):130-5. doi: 10.4103/0301-4738.116457 | PubMed
2013-09: Sankaranarayanan S, Jetty N, Gadagi JS, Preethy S, Abraham SJ. Periodontal regeneration by autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells embedded in a novel thermo reversible gelation polymer. J Stem Cells. 2013;8(2):99-103. | PubMed
2013-08: Krishnamohan J, Senthilnathan VS, Vaikundaraman TM, Srinivasan T, Balamurugan M, Iwasaki M, Preethy S , Abraham S. In vitro culture and characterization of enteric neural precursor cells from human gut biopsy specimens using polymer scaffold. Intractable Rare Dis Res. 2013 ;2(3):98-102.doi: 10.5582/irdr.2013.v2.3.98 | PubMed
2013-07: Srinivasan T, Dedeepiya V, John S, Senthilkumar R, Reena HC, Rajendran P, Balamurugan M, Kurosawa G, Iwasaki M, Preethy S, Abraham S. Smallpox still haunts scientists: Results of a questionnaire based inquiry on the views of health care and life science experts and students on preserving the remaining variola virus stocks .ScientificWorldJournal. 2013 Jul 22;2013:672813.http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/672813. | PubMed
2013-06: Sumana P, Dedeepiya V, Terunuma H, Senthilkumar R, Srinivasan T, Reena HC, Preethy S, Abraham S. Cell based Autologous Immune Enhancement Therapy (AIET) after radiotherapy in a locally advanced carcinoma of the cervix. Case Rep Oncol Med. 2013;2013:903094. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/903094 | PubMed
2013-05: Velusamy Venkatesa K, Rejendran V, Senthilkumar R, Srinivasan T, Kubota S, Yamaji N, Abraham S. Efficacy of an Alcohol – Free, Citrate based Agent ‘Clinister’ as a Surface Disinfectant agaist Common Bacterial and Fungal Contaminants. Current trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy. 2013; 7(2) :592-96
2013-04: Preethy S, John S, Saravana Ganesh J, Srinivasan T, Terunuma H, Iwasaki M, Abraham S. Age old wisdom of Cell-based therapies with added knowledge in the stem cell era – Our perspectives. Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications. 2013; 2013(6): 13 – 18. doi: 10.2147/SCCAA.S41798 | PubMed
2013-03: Takayama F, Amikura Y, John S, Dedeepiya V, Senthilkumar R, Venkataramani G, Cherian KM, Madhavan HN, Green DW, Matsumoto M, Suzuki S, Iwasaki M, Preethy S, Abraham S. Five-year trend of competitiveness and knowledge-gaining attitude of university students; Evaluation based on an event of continuing health sciences education. Journal of Contemporary Medical Education 2013; 1(2): 92-99.
2013-02: John S, Natarajan S, Parikumar P, Shanmugam M, Senthilkumar R, Green DW, Abraham S. Choice of cell source in cell based therapies for retinal damage due to age related macular degeneration (AMD): A review. Journal of Ophthalmology 2013 (2013), Article ID 465169, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/465169. | PubMed
2013-01: Abraham S. Reservations in Accepting That There Is “Depletion of Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells With Aging.” Generalization Should Be Avoided. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013 Apr;68(4):404-5. doi: 10.1093/gerona/gls189. PubMed
2012-07: Manikandan R, Muthu MS, Sunil PM, Shalini R, Kannan TA, Manjunath S, Thamaraikannan P, Srinivasan T, Preethy SP, Abraham S. Isolation, in vitro expansion and characterization of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry. 2012; 5(3):211-15.
2012-06: Dedeepiya V, Sivaraman G,Venkatesh A, Preethy S, Abraham S. Potential Effects of Nichi Glucan as a Food Supplement for Diabetes Mellitus and Hyperlipidemia; Preliminary Findings from the Study on Three Patients from India. Case Reports in Medicine 2012 (2012), Article ID 895370; doi:10.1155/2012/895370 | PubMed
2012-05: Dedeepiya VD, Rao YY, Jayakrishnan GA, Parthiban JK, Baskar S, Manjunath SR, Senthilkumar R, Abraham SJ. Index of CD34+ Cells and Mononuclear Cells in the Bone Marrow of Spinal Cord Injury Patients of Different Age Groups: A Comparative Analysis. Bone Marrow Res. 2012;2012:787414. doi: 10.1155/2012/787414 | PubMed
2012-04: Manjunath S, Ramanan G, Dedeepiya V, Terunuma H, Deng X, Baskar S, Senthilkumar R, Thamaraikannan P, Srinivasan T, Preethy S, Abraham S. Autologous immune enhancement therapy in recurrent ovarian cancer with metastases; 18 months follow-up- A case report. Case Rep Oncol 2012;5:114-118; posted online on Mar 2012. doi:10.1159/000337319 | PubMed
2012-03: Green DW, Watson GS, Watson J, Abraham S. New Biomimetic Directions in Regenerative Ophthalmology. Adv. Healthcare Mater . 2012, DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201100039. | PubMed
2012-02: Sunil PM, Manikandhan R, Muthu MS, Abraham S. Stem cell therapy in oral and maxillofacial region: An overview. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2012;16:58-63. doi:10.4103/0973-029X.92975 | PubMed
2012-01: Senthilkumar R, Manjunath S, Baskar S, Dedeepiya DV, Natarajan S, John S, Parikumar P, Aditya I, Mori Y, Yoshioka H, Green DW, Balamurugan M, Tsukahara S, Abraham S. Successful Transportation and in vitro Expansion of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium and its Characterization; a step towards Cell-based Therapy for Age related Macular Degeneration. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy Jan 2012; Volume 6 (1): 44-54
2011-04: Dedeepiya V, Terunuma H, Deng X, Baskar S, Manjunath S, Senthilkumar R, Murugan P, Thamaraikannan P, Srinivasan T, Preethy S, Abraham S. A comparative analysis of in vitro expansion of natural killer cells of a patient with autoimmune haemolytic anaemia and ovarian cancer with patients with other solid tumours. Oncology Letters. 2011;3(2). Doi: 10.3892/ol.2011.498; Posted online on Nov 29, 2011. | PubMed .
2011-03: William JB, Prabakaran R, Ayyappan S Puskhinraj H, Rao D, Manjunath S , Thamaraikannan P, Dedeepiya V, Kuroda S, Yoshioka H, Mori Y, Preethy S, Abraham S. Functional Recovery of Spinal Cord Injury Following Application of Intralesional Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Embedded in Polymer Scaffold – Two Year Follow-up in a Canine. J Stem Cell Res Ther.2011; 1:110. doi:; Posted online on Nov 21, 2011. 10.4172/2157-7633.1000110.
2011-02: Arumugam S, Manjunath S, Senthilkumar R, Srinivasan V, Rajendiran S, Yoshioka H, Mori Y, Samuel Abraham S. In vitro expansion and characterization of human chondrocytes using a novel Thermoreversible Gelation Polymer (TGP). J.Orthopaedics 2011;8(3)e3. | PubMed
2011-01: Subrammaniyan R, Amalorpavanathan J, Shankar R, Rajkumar M, Baskar S, Manjunath SR, Senthilkumar R, Murugan P, Srinivasan VR, Abraham S. Application of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells in six patients with advanced chronic critical limb ischemia as a result of diabetes: our experience. Cytotherapy. 2011 Sep;13(8):993-9. Epub 2011 Jun 15. doi: 10.3109/14653249.2011.579961 |PubMed|
2009-01: Sitalakshmi G, Sudha B, Madhavan HN, Vinay S, Krishnakumar S, Mori Y, Yoshioka H, Abraham S. Ex Vivo Cultivation of Corneal Limbal Epithelial Cells in a Thermoreversible Polymer (Mebiol Gel) and Their Transplantation in Rabbits: An Animal Model. Tissue Eng Part A. 2009 Feb;15(2):407-15. doi: 10.1089/ten.tea.2008.0041. | PubMed
2008-01: Parveen N, Khan AA, Baskar S, Habeeb MA, Babu R, Abraham S, Yoshioka H, Mori Y, Mohammed HC. Intraperitoneal Transplantation of Hepatocytes Embedded in Thermoreversible Gelation Polymer (Mebiol Gel) in Acute Liver Failure Rat Model. Hepatitis Monthly 2008; 8(4): 275-280.
2006-01: Sudha B, Madhavan HN, Sitalakshmi G, Malathi J, Krishnakumar S, Mori Y, Yoshioka H, Abraham S. Cultivation of human corneal limbal stem cells in Mebiol gel – A thermo-reversible gelation polymer. 1. Indian J Med Res. 2006;124(6):655-64.| PubMed
2004-01: Madhavan HN, Malathi J, Joseph PR, Mori Y, Abraham S, Yoshioka H. A study on the growth of continuous culture cell lines embedded in Mebiol Gel. Current Science, 87(9), 1275 – 1277 (2004)
スリラマチャンドラ・インスティテュートのチームが優勝2024年12月2日2024年10月に再生医療分野の研究者の交流を促進する目的で開催された学術集会 NCRM NICHE 2024 の中で、第19回フジオカップクイズ杯
16年にわたる研究成果が世界的に認められる 2024年11月30日 英国で開催されたGURS(Genito-Urinary Reconstructive Surgeons)マスタークラス2024において、防衛医科大学校病
mdxマウスを用いたNeu REFIXの前臨床試験 2024年10月6日 ジーエヌコーポレーションは、2024年9月12日(木)~ 15日(日)奈良県コンベンションセンターで開催された第22回アジアオセアニア筋学センター
近森病院のグループによる研究を横浜開催の国際学会で 2024年8月17日 「ニチブライト」βグルカンの投与により、すい臓の悪性腫瘍の外科的切除を受けた患者の免疫力が向上し、すい臓がんおよびその再発のバイオマーカーが低下し