GN Corporation published a paper (review article) on the potential of our product “Nichi Glucan” containing AFO-202 β-glucan to prevent novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in Frontiers in Immunology Journal.
Nichi Glucan is a functional dietary supplement that has been shown through years of research to have the following unique effects;
(1) It enhances the immune system, which protects the body from pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) that have invaded the body.
(2) It has a regulatory control action on inflammatory cytokines (especially IL-6), a biomarker that induces cytokine storms.
The paper argues that “Nichi Glucan” may be a candidate for a beneficial functional dietary supplement until an effective vaccine or drug for the prevention of novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) becomes available. The paper also proposes that it could be applied in clinical trials for patients actually infected with a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).
To get more info about our product Nichi Glucan, please visit