
Skeletal Muscle Fibrosis in MDX mice model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy ameliorated by Neu-REFIX

Published in Scientific Reports, a nature portfolio journal

15 November 2023

Significant reduction of muscle fibrosis was documented in MDX mice after oral administration of Neu-REFIX beta glucans for 45 days in a study conducted under the guidance of Dr. Yoshitsugu Aoki, National Center for Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP).

This is a proof of efficacy on the anti-fibrotic effect of the product, which has earlier reported with control of plasma biomarkers in clinical study for same duration (Published in IBRO Neuroscience reports).

Similarly the inflammation of the muscles and plasma biomarkers of inflammation also showed reduction in the above study, beside safety in both pre-clinical and clinical studies.

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