22Sep 2022
GN Corporation and Edogawa hospital, Tokyo will be hosting an international webinar on novel solutions to address urethral stricture using cell based therapies on the 16th Oct (Sun) between 1100~1210 Hrs as a virtual event in which Dr. Akio Horiguchi, top most urologist in the management of Urethral stricture in Japan (National defence medical college, Koku-Koen), Dr. Dmitriy Nikolavsky from Upstate University New York, USA and Dr Suryaprakash Vaddi from Yashoda Hospital India, the inventor of BEES-HAUS procedure will deliver talks. This program is conducted as a part of XVII inaugural anniversary commemorative academic event of Nichi-in Centre for Regenerative Medicine , a collaborator to Edogawa Evolutionary Lab of Science (EELS), JBM Inc., and GN corporation Co Ltd, Japan.
Urethral stricture in men is a disease, that affects adult men especially with an increasing incidence after the age 55. Major causes though in developing countries are trauma and infection, in developed nations, it occurs either as an iatrogenic sequalae such as post radiotherapy complication after prostate cancer treatment or surgical resection for hypertrophy of the prostate. Idiopathic cause remains around 25% globally. Despite several invasive approaches at late stage such as buccal mucosal tissue based urethroplasty to less invasive cystoscopy approaches such as urethrotomy and/or dilatation, the recurrence of stricture is an unresolved issue. To solve this disease, the Edogawa hospital through their EELS research team has collaborated with NCRM India and GN corporation who have successfully demonstrated that using buccal mucosal tissue derived cells, instead of a big tissue graft we could manage urethral stricture through a minimally invasive approach. In this approach called BEES-HAUS , a small tissue of the patient’s own buccal mucosa is harvested as an out-patient procedure, then cells isolated in the lab and cultured using a 3D polymer scaffold platform developed by japanese polymer chemists and tissue engineering specialists. After expanding for 10~15 days, the cells are transplanted encapsuled in polymer scaffold after removing the fibrous adhesions.. Initaly pilot study in six patients with a three-year follow-up has yielded safety and confirmed the successful engrafting of transplanted cells to the site of stricture. Dr Horiguchi and his colleagues in NDMC, Japan adapted the method with the help of EELS and JBM to reproduce in animal models and could prove the same for safety and efficacy in pre-clinical studies and now are moving towards a larger clinical study in Japan in Edogawa Hospital.
Dr Dmitriy Nikolavsky from USA is working on similar directions but with a modified approach while Dr Suryaprakash who initiated the Bees-haus procedure will share their perspectives of this complex disease during the webinar. To join, either you need do register at the URL: https://www.ncrmniche.org/registration/ps2022.asp, or you can scan the QR code in the image attached. Full program is available in the URL: https://www.ncrmniche.org/ncrmniche2022/agenda.html.
Dr Shojiro Katoh, President of Edogawa Hospital explained that the Edogawa hospital would like to have concern for such minor and even rare diseases, being a part of Jinseisha, a social welfare organization and would like to become a global hub for propagation both basic and translational science taking shape as a worthy solution to such unmet needs.
To participate in the webinar, please register at URL: https://www.ncrmniche.org/registration/ps2022.asp or scan the QR code in the attached image.
The full program of NCRM NICHE 2022 is available at https://www.ncrmniche.org/ncrmniche2022/agenda.html.
Press release : Kyodo News PR Wire